“Let There be Session Mead” is live!

Book three is finally here and it was a great adventure to write!

Session meads have definitely taken root as one of my favorite styles (much to my surprise). I have to say that I have truly enjoyed my dive into carbonated low alcohol meads and would highly recommend the most tentative of you out there to give them a fair chance to win you over. A nice carbonated mead over ice on a hot day is seriously just what you never knew you always wanted.

The selection of recipes available in this edition include fruit and/or spice combinations and I have to say that they really brought it in the refreshment category. For this level of meads I definitely recommend carbonating. The effect on the flavor profile was definitely noticeable in a good way.

Book Two “Let There be Melomels!” is complete.

Well, it’s officially a series.

I am now the proud owner of 5 proof copies of my second book and am in the process of having final edits being done by a few select friends. When they come back with any items or errors they’ve found I’ll make any necessary changes and resubmit the full book again for review. Once that final round of edits have been completed I will be releasing it to Amazon, Kindle, CreateSpace, etc…

It’s been a great project so far and I’m already digging in to start putting together data and gathering my recipes for Book Three “Let There be Metheglins!” to be released some time in late 2018 if all goes according to plan. There are a few things going on in my life right now that could result in a delay on Book Three but nothing bad. In the meantime I’ll keep brewing and working out new recipes that stretch the mind and inspire the imagination.

Let There Be Mead!

Kindle version of Book 1 is now available!

It’s been a while coming, and there may be updates being pushed down the road, but the Kindle version of my first book is finally live on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited. Exciting times ahead. 🙂

Book 2 (Melomels) is still a work in progress but I’m closing in on a time for edits in the near future for that one. I anticipate a November release date for both paperback and Kindle versions.

Book 3 (Metheglins) is still in the information gathering stage at this point but I’ve already compiled quite a bit of great stuff to provide a very interesting selection of spiced mead recipes. Projected release for that one will be November of 2018.

If you see a pattern forming here you’re right. I’m aiming at one installment per year in the fall (preferably a November timeframe) to give plenty of time for the holiday season shoppers out there.